Thursday, September 15, 2016

Yah want lettuce, black olives, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, sprouts, mayo, mustard, oil, southwest sauce on that?

I've had sub sandwiches on my brain all week long. Our big sandwich fundraiser for the youth is on Sunday AND I went to Subway for lunch yesterday. And this got me the choices WE have when ordering just a sandwich. FIRST, you get 6 different kinds of bread to choose from, then you have to pick what meat, then you get to pick from like 10 toppings, then FINALLY you decide between like 10 different sauces...that's CrAzY! All those choices simply by going in to buy a sandwich from Subway.  

Now our lives are filled with many choices a day, just about all of them more important than what we want on a sandwich. However, it also got me thinking about God. See God has done SO many amazing things. Creating the whole world from the sun, to the moon, to giraffes, to us- God made a lot of unique things. However, after all the love and care God gave to His creation- He gave us- his GREATEST creation- a choice. What exactly was that choice? It was if WE were going to choose to follow Him or not. Adam and Eve were given the most basic instructions in the Garden of Eden- eat anything you want, enjoy life....BUT just DON'T eat from that one tree. That's it. (Simplest directions ever....with consequences included) Well, of course Adam and Eve didn't follow the directions. They ate from the one tree they weren't supposed to and the whole world fell into sin. All this because God gave US a choice. God didn't create us to be robots to follow Him or love Him with no choice. We DO get a choice. We can read the Bible, go to church every Sunday, and STILL not believe in God. God loves us enough to give us an option. 

Now what that doesn't mean is that God doesn't TRY. God blessed us with the Holy Spirit to everyday encourage us to rely on God. God also tries showing us everyday how much we are loved. It's just up to US to notice. God also forgives us when we fail. The first thing He does after telling Adam and Eve the consequences of their actions? He gives them clothes! God takes care of them. 

While we might be bombarded by a million choices everyday, when it comes to faith in God- it's simple! Do you believe in your heart that Jesus is your Savior? If you do, you got it! Let's just say you won't be getting "toasted" like your sandwich at Subway might. :D

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