Monday, September 26, 2016


On Friday, I got to take Isaiah mini-golfing. The kid LOVES to mini-golf, and even though I'm pretty sure he legitimately beat me, we had a great time. We did something extra fun because it was our last "daddy day." O, you don't know what a daddy day is? Well, since I work at a church and work on Sundays, I get one day off during the week. So for the last 5 years, Isaiah and I basically get a day to hang out (with Micah joining us when he was born.) For me, this has been a special time and something I greatly appreciated. I've soaked in these days. Sometimes we did BIG stuff like go to the zoo, or mini-golf, while other times we just do routine chores like go grocery shopping or run to Target. What I REALLY got however during these days was a connection. No matter how busy things were at church, I got to pause and put my kids first.

So WHY is my post entitled the new i-phone? Well, the way I look at my days with Isaiah or my perspective has EVERYTHING to do with it. Now he will be going to school 5 days a week and we won't get our day to hang out together anymore. I could be sad, or disappointed, or feel like I'm missing out on something- but instead I'm appreciative. I'm so happy for the time I DID had. How many parents get go do something cool like that? And NOW I have a new buddy to hang out with in Micah.

See a lot of the way we approach things in our world deals with our perspective. Do we really appreciate the good things OR do we make a list of what we feel we are missing out on? A GREAT Biblical story of this involves two sisters Mary and Martha. Jesus and the disciples are at Mary and Martha's house. Martha...Martha....Martha Mary instead of cleaning up, sits right down at Jesus feet and listens to Him speak. MEANWHILE in the kitchen, Martha frantically runs around cleaning up and getting mad that Mary isn't helping. FINALLY, Martha calls Mary out to Jesus. But who does Jesus side with? MARY. The one who was sitting and enjoying the moment instead of noticing the dust.

We all have a choice of how we look at things- do we appreciate what we have or do we covet or desire what we don't have? Are you more Mary or Martha? Always remember, there will always be people who have more than you, but there will also always be people who have less than you. I pray that you have a "Mary" week!

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