Monday, September 19, 2016

Picking the right apple

This last Saturday, my family and I made our yearly trip to the apple orchard. This is one of our favorite things to do in fall. This year was also the first year that Micah was able to really get into it. It enjoyed so much watching him go from tree to tree and pick apple after apple. It didn't matter much to him if they were ripe, or green, or blue, or had bugs on them. His main concern is if he could reach them and if he was strong enough to pull them down. However, after making his selection, he would then kiss the apple and gently put it in the bag.

After I got done laughing and appreciating his care for the apples, it got me to thinking about how we make our choices in our lives and what fills our "apple bag." Micah's discernment as a 2 year old and what apples to pick wasn't much, but I fear that many times we don't think enough either about the choices we make.

One thing I learned in college and really try to apply is the question- "what fruit is coming from what I am doing?" The Biblical reference is from Matthew 7:15-20- Good fruit or bad fruit? The idea Jesus is conveying is how to figure out a false prophet from a real one. The good ones or the things worth following will produce good fruit. Now while all this may seem confusing, the simple way I look at this is a friendship you may have. There are people in our lives who make us happier. Do you have a certain friend who always cheers you up? I would say that is bearing "good fruit." They are a positive influence. On the other hand, maybe you have a friend who never seems happy and is always complaining. Then you find yourself complaining and being discontent too. This would be producing bad fruit.

So what is the challenge? Take some time this week to look at the relationships you have around you. Are those relationships positive? Are those people building you up or tearing you down? Be careful when you are making those choices involving people. Sometimes the "easiest" friendships and relationships aren't the best, just like the best apples aren't always the ones at ground level like Micah found.

Finally, don't make your decisions alone. Include God in them. Debating on whether or not to play a fall sport or take a certain class- PRAY about it! Think down the road what your decision will really mean. We are blessed with a God is an extraordinary decision maker- don't forget to ask for His help! And always appreciate the good relationships you have. Like Micah took the care to carefully kiss and place each apple in the bag- don't forget about those positive people in your life. You don't have to go around kissing them.....but make sure to those people know you care about them.

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