Monday, September 12, 2016

The Roar of the Crowd

And the crowd goes wild! team whether it be Central, Mayer, Vikings, or Packers- celebrates when they score points. The crowd of parents, family, friends, and fans erupts in an amazing excitement. In my lifetime, I've had the amazing opportunity to witness some amazing sporting events. I've been to 6 or 7 Packer games, seeing them play in Green Bay, Minnesota, and St. Louis. I was there IN PERSON when the Thunder won their only game in the NBA Finals vs. the Miami Heat. What all those games had in common was the roar of the crowd. That pins and needles excitement waiting to burst out when YOUR team did something awesome. There is nothing like going to sporting events in person...

Packers vs. Chargers with brother, sister, and brother-in-law, Oct. 2015
However, for the first time yesterday, I thought of those cheers a little different. See I was sitting in church listening to the story of the the One Missing Sheep from Luke 15- , a story I've heard probably 100 times. However this time I focused on verse 6-7- And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost." Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

Can you imagine how loud Heaven is every time someone turns back to God? I say turn back because the reality is God is ALWAYS there. See in this Scripture from Luke- we see a sheep and a coin. They do NOTHING to to help themselves being rescued. It's God seeking and finding them. That one person is SO important to God. YOU are so important to God. So even when the cheers die down from the football, volleyball, or basketball games- there will always be cheering in Heaven when just one person sees the love God has for them. So if that's something you need to hear or something you can tell others- God is there, here, and everywhere, and God loves you. God is always seeking and the angels are waiting to celebrate. And the crowd goes wild!!!!!!

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