Tuesday, September 6, 2016

When you get what you don't want...

Right now my backyard is a swamp. I spent most of the day on Saturday and Sunday digging a trench, then putting in a drainage pipe, and then trying to fix my mess. It wasn't fun. I still have muscles that are sore that I probably haven't used in months. So you can guess my excitement this morning when I woke up to rain....just what I don't need. Here's what Isaiah and I looked like when we were working:

This got me thinking for the week- what happens when to us when we don't get what we want? I know 2 and 5 year old kids throw a fit...I've seen it...it isn't pretty. I have also see myself, a 32 old grown-up, throw a fit. It happens. We struggle when we don't get what we want.

So how does this reflect in our relationship with God? What if we pray for something and we don't get it?

The best example I can find in Scripture of someone dealing WELL with not getting what they want is a man named Jairus in Mark 5. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mark+5%3A21-43&version=NIVHis daughter was sick and had been sick for a long time. Imagine how long he prayed for his daughter to be healed. However, his daughter never got better and was now about to die. Jairus kept his faith however throughout this in Jesus. Jairus went to Jesus and asked to heal his daughter b/c he KNEW Jesus had that power. On Jesus way to the girl's house however, Jesus gets distracted. Another person knowing Jesus healing power, touches just a piece of his clothing. In this time, Jairus daughter dies. Jesus response? Don't be afraid; just believe. And you know what, everything turns out alright. Jesus DOES heal the daughter. A lifetime of sickness never what the daughter or Jairus wanted, but in the end, God worked it out for the good.

When we don't get what we want, things can seem unfair. However, what we have to remember is Jesus last statement- Don't be afraid, just believe. Even in horrible tragedy, in sadness, in disappointment; God is there!

So I'll keep praying for more sun than rain, and trusting that SOMEDAY my yard will dry out.

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