Friday, September 23, 2016


Socks with Crocs....brown shorts when it's raining and 60 degrees out...Yep today Micah didn't WANNA! He didn't want to wear jeans and he didn't want to wear his shoes. He wasn't having it. So instead of fighting today... I just went with here's Micah-
And I'll be honest, I was a little jealous. Kids can throw mini-fits and tantrums and it's relatively acceptable. Still quite unbearable for a parent, but something that is expected from kids. But me....yeah it's NOT ok for me to throw a fit. YOU as a high schooler or middle schooler or a parent yourself can't throw a fit either without being judged by others. But WE as people have a problem when things don't go our way. IT'S not FAIR! WHY do I have so much homework? Why am I not in the starting lineup? WHY am I not pretty or attractive enough?.

Fortunately for us, the Bible is FILLED with people who didn't get their own way. One of the people who always makes me laugh is Moses. Moses was in the desert tending his own flock when God decided to shake things up. God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Hey MOSES! God wanted Moses to go to the Pharaoh of Egypt and tell him to let all God's people out of slavery. Moses was less than excited. He immediately starting doubting himself and making excuses. He threw an adult-sized fit.

But how did God respond? God listened to Moses complaints. Moses wasn't a good enough speaker? God gave Moses someone to speak for him.  Moses wanted proof to show the Egyptians, God gave Moses multiple signs.

See the great thing about God is God even hears AND cares about our complaints! Maybe other people don't want to hear about our complaints or see our fits, but God does. We are blessed with a God who cares about EVERYTHING that involves us. So the next time life doesn't seem fair, or you REALLY want to wear Crocs with socks- talk to God about it. We have a God who always cares and even understands us when others don't!

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