Thursday, September 29, 2016

What side are YOU on?

Crusaders vs. Raiders....Central vs. Mayer....however you want to put it, the schools are rivals. THIS week they meet on the field of football. How will Mayer respond after their first loss of the season? How will Central carry over the confidence they have from winning 2 of their last 3 games? Will the energy of Homecoming week give the Crusaders a boost?

 All FUN questions to ponder and answer for sure! And you know what- those are just the on field questions....see the game also involves students and fans too in the bleachers and you KNOW they will be excited. And exactly what will we HEAR from the fans? I've been to enough Mayer/Central games to know that sometimes....on occasion...every once in awhile....insults can fly or twitter fights break out.

Friendly rivalries can be fun, BUT too often they become personal or negative. These schools are no different. And what we end up with is bruised egos and damaged relationships. So WHERE can we look to for guidance in a matter of football rivalry?

Well, check out the Bible and the story of Jacob and Esau. They were brothers. Now having a brother myself, I KNOW rivalry exists between brothers (I'm playing mine in fantasy football this week and I STILL want to win more b/c it's my brother). Their story doesn't involve name calling or smack talk BUT instead just Jacob tricking and stealing everything his brother was supposed to receive from his parents. We are talking about his COMPLETE inheritance. Esau will receive nothing. At first, Esau is SO mad, Jacob flees for his life (this isn't the part of the story I want you to focus on)! However, sometime later Jacob returns to see Esau. PLEASE take a minute to read THIS exchange: Now THAT is how to handle a rivalry!

What a response from Esau. Forgiveness and love. Don't forget that this week.

See on Friday night, what I will really see is 15 awesome kids from the church I serve at, playing a game of football. People always ask me, WHO are you going to cheer for? I always tell them the same- I'll cheer for the kids- NOT the teams. Because the reality is, no matter what school you go to, or what color jersey you wear- YOU are a child of God! 

So have a great game Nick, McHayl, Cade, Reed, Payton, Mitchell, Jaret, Baden, Andrew, Caleb, Will, Kaleb, Blake, Chad, and Ian! I hope you can be a part of helping to show the fun side of rivalries, instead of the ugly ones.

Monday, September 26, 2016


On Friday, I got to take Isaiah mini-golfing. The kid LOVES to mini-golf, and even though I'm pretty sure he legitimately beat me, we had a great time. We did something extra fun because it was our last "daddy day." O, you don't know what a daddy day is? Well, since I work at a church and work on Sundays, I get one day off during the week. So for the last 5 years, Isaiah and I basically get a day to hang out (with Micah joining us when he was born.) For me, this has been a special time and something I greatly appreciated. I've soaked in these days. Sometimes we did BIG stuff like go to the zoo, or mini-golf, while other times we just do routine chores like go grocery shopping or run to Target. What I REALLY got however during these days was a connection. No matter how busy things were at church, I got to pause and put my kids first.

So WHY is my post entitled the new i-phone? Well, the way I look at my days with Isaiah or my perspective has EVERYTHING to do with it. Now he will be going to school 5 days a week and we won't get our day to hang out together anymore. I could be sad, or disappointed, or feel like I'm missing out on something- but instead I'm appreciative. I'm so happy for the time I DID had. How many parents get go do something cool like that? And NOW I have a new buddy to hang out with in Micah.

See a lot of the way we approach things in our world deals with our perspective. Do we really appreciate the good things OR do we make a list of what we feel we are missing out on? A GREAT Biblical story of this involves two sisters Mary and Martha. Jesus and the disciples are at Mary and Martha's house. Martha...Martha....Martha Mary instead of cleaning up, sits right down at Jesus feet and listens to Him speak. MEANWHILE in the kitchen, Martha frantically runs around cleaning up and getting mad that Mary isn't helping. FINALLY, Martha calls Mary out to Jesus. But who does Jesus side with? MARY. The one who was sitting and enjoying the moment instead of noticing the dust.

We all have a choice of how we look at things- do we appreciate what we have or do we covet or desire what we don't have? Are you more Mary or Martha? Always remember, there will always be people who have more than you, but there will also always be people who have less than you. I pray that you have a "Mary" week!

Friday, September 23, 2016


Socks with Crocs....brown shorts when it's raining and 60 degrees out...Yep today Micah didn't WANNA! He didn't want to wear jeans and he didn't want to wear his shoes. He wasn't having it. So instead of fighting today... I just went with here's Micah-
And I'll be honest, I was a little jealous. Kids can throw mini-fits and tantrums and it's relatively acceptable. Still quite unbearable for a parent, but something that is expected from kids. But me....yeah it's NOT ok for me to throw a fit. YOU as a high schooler or middle schooler or a parent yourself can't throw a fit either without being judged by others. But WE as people have a problem when things don't go our way. IT'S not FAIR! WHY do I have so much homework? Why am I not in the starting lineup? WHY am I not pretty or attractive enough?.

Fortunately for us, the Bible is FILLED with people who didn't get their own way. One of the people who always makes me laugh is Moses. Moses was in the desert tending his own flock when God decided to shake things up. God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Hey MOSES! God wanted Moses to go to the Pharaoh of Egypt and tell him to let all God's people out of slavery. Moses was less than excited. He immediately starting doubting himself and making excuses. He threw an adult-sized fit.

But how did God respond? God listened to Moses complaints. Moses wasn't a good enough speaker? God gave Moses someone to speak for him.  Moses wanted proof to show the Egyptians, God gave Moses multiple signs.

See the great thing about God is God even hears AND cares about our complaints! Maybe other people don't want to hear about our complaints or see our fits, but God does. We are blessed with a God who cares about EVERYTHING that involves us. So the next time life doesn't seem fair, or you REALLY want to wear Crocs with socks- talk to God about it. We have a God who always cares and even understands us when others don't!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Picking the right apple

This last Saturday, my family and I made our yearly trip to the apple orchard. This is one of our favorite things to do in fall. This year was also the first year that Micah was able to really get into it. It enjoyed so much watching him go from tree to tree and pick apple after apple. It didn't matter much to him if they were ripe, or green, or blue, or had bugs on them. His main concern is if he could reach them and if he was strong enough to pull them down. However, after making his selection, he would then kiss the apple and gently put it in the bag.

After I got done laughing and appreciating his care for the apples, it got me to thinking about how we make our choices in our lives and what fills our "apple bag." Micah's discernment as a 2 year old and what apples to pick wasn't much, but I fear that many times we don't think enough either about the choices we make.

One thing I learned in college and really try to apply is the question- "what fruit is coming from what I am doing?" The Biblical reference is from Matthew 7:15-20- Good fruit or bad fruit? The idea Jesus is conveying is how to figure out a false prophet from a real one. The good ones or the things worth following will produce good fruit. Now while all this may seem confusing, the simple way I look at this is a friendship you may have. There are people in our lives who make us happier. Do you have a certain friend who always cheers you up? I would say that is bearing "good fruit." They are a positive influence. On the other hand, maybe you have a friend who never seems happy and is always complaining. Then you find yourself complaining and being discontent too. This would be producing bad fruit.

So what is the challenge? Take some time this week to look at the relationships you have around you. Are those relationships positive? Are those people building you up or tearing you down? Be careful when you are making those choices involving people. Sometimes the "easiest" friendships and relationships aren't the best, just like the best apples aren't always the ones at ground level like Micah found.

Finally, don't make your decisions alone. Include God in them. Debating on whether or not to play a fall sport or take a certain class- PRAY about it! Think down the road what your decision will really mean. We are blessed with a God is an extraordinary decision maker- don't forget to ask for His help! And always appreciate the good relationships you have. Like Micah took the care to carefully kiss and place each apple in the bag- don't forget about those positive people in your life. You don't have to go around kissing them.....but make sure to those people know you care about them.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Yah want lettuce, black olives, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, sprouts, mayo, mustard, oil, southwest sauce on that?

I've had sub sandwiches on my brain all week long. Our big sandwich fundraiser for the youth is on Sunday AND I went to Subway for lunch yesterday. And this got me the choices WE have when ordering just a sandwich. FIRST, you get 6 different kinds of bread to choose from, then you have to pick what meat, then you get to pick from like 10 toppings, then FINALLY you decide between like 10 different sauces...that's CrAzY! All those choices simply by going in to buy a sandwich from Subway.  

Now our lives are filled with many choices a day, just about all of them more important than what we want on a sandwich. However, it also got me thinking about God. See God has done SO many amazing things. Creating the whole world from the sun, to the moon, to giraffes, to us- God made a lot of unique things. However, after all the love and care God gave to His creation- He gave us- his GREATEST creation- a choice. What exactly was that choice? It was if WE were going to choose to follow Him or not. Adam and Eve were given the most basic instructions in the Garden of Eden- eat anything you want, enjoy life....BUT just DON'T eat from that one tree. That's it. (Simplest directions ever....with consequences included) Well, of course Adam and Eve didn't follow the directions. They ate from the one tree they weren't supposed to and the whole world fell into sin. All this because God gave US a choice. God didn't create us to be robots to follow Him or love Him with no choice. We DO get a choice. We can read the Bible, go to church every Sunday, and STILL not believe in God. God loves us enough to give us an option. 

Now what that doesn't mean is that God doesn't TRY. God blessed us with the Holy Spirit to everyday encourage us to rely on God. God also tries showing us everyday how much we are loved. It's just up to US to notice. God also forgives us when we fail. The first thing He does after telling Adam and Eve the consequences of their actions? He gives them clothes! God takes care of them. 

While we might be bombarded by a million choices everyday, when it comes to faith in God- it's simple! Do you believe in your heart that Jesus is your Savior? If you do, you got it! Let's just say you won't be getting "toasted" like your sandwich at Subway might. :D

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Roar of the Crowd

And the crowd goes wild! team whether it be Central, Mayer, Vikings, or Packers- celebrates when they score points. The crowd of parents, family, friends, and fans erupts in an amazing excitement. In my lifetime, I've had the amazing opportunity to witness some amazing sporting events. I've been to 6 or 7 Packer games, seeing them play in Green Bay, Minnesota, and St. Louis. I was there IN PERSON when the Thunder won their only game in the NBA Finals vs. the Miami Heat. What all those games had in common was the roar of the crowd. That pins and needles excitement waiting to burst out when YOUR team did something awesome. There is nothing like going to sporting events in person...

Packers vs. Chargers with brother, sister, and brother-in-law, Oct. 2015
However, for the first time yesterday, I thought of those cheers a little different. See I was sitting in church listening to the story of the the One Missing Sheep from Luke 15- , a story I've heard probably 100 times. However this time I focused on verse 6-7- And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost." Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

Can you imagine how loud Heaven is every time someone turns back to God? I say turn back because the reality is God is ALWAYS there. See in this Scripture from Luke- we see a sheep and a coin. They do NOTHING to to help themselves being rescued. It's God seeking and finding them. That one person is SO important to God. YOU are so important to God. So even when the cheers die down from the football, volleyball, or basketball games- there will always be cheering in Heaven when just one person sees the love God has for them. So if that's something you need to hear or something you can tell others- God is there, here, and everywhere, and God loves you. God is always seeking and the angels are waiting to celebrate. And the crowd goes wild!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

When you get what you don't want...

Right now my backyard is a swamp. I spent most of the day on Saturday and Sunday digging a trench, then putting in a drainage pipe, and then trying to fix my mess. It wasn't fun. I still have muscles that are sore that I probably haven't used in months. So you can guess my excitement this morning when I woke up to rain....just what I don't need. Here's what Isaiah and I looked like when we were working:

This got me thinking for the week- what happens when to us when we don't get what we want? I know 2 and 5 year old kids throw a fit...I've seen isn't pretty. I have also see myself, a 32 old grown-up, throw a fit. It happens. We struggle when we don't get what we want.

So how does this reflect in our relationship with God? What if we pray for something and we don't get it?

The best example I can find in Scripture of someone dealing WELL with not getting what they want is a man named Jairus in Mark 5. daughter was sick and had been sick for a long time. Imagine how long he prayed for his daughter to be healed. However, his daughter never got better and was now about to die. Jairus kept his faith however throughout this in Jesus. Jairus went to Jesus and asked to heal his daughter b/c he KNEW Jesus had that power. On Jesus way to the girl's house however, Jesus gets distracted. Another person knowing Jesus healing power, touches just a piece of his clothing. In this time, Jairus daughter dies. Jesus response? Don't be afraid; just believe. And you know what, everything turns out alright. Jesus DOES heal the daughter. A lifetime of sickness never what the daughter or Jairus wanted, but in the end, God worked it out for the good.

When we don't get what we want, things can seem unfair. However, what we have to remember is Jesus last statement- Don't be afraid, just believe. Even in horrible tragedy, in sadness, in disappointment; God is there!

So I'll keep praying for more sun than rain, and trusting that SOMEDAY my yard will dry out.