This summer, Isaiah got to go to Valleyfair for the 1st time. He loved it! He had been to fairs, and been on rides before- but something was different. He could go on the rides as many times as he wanted. He didn't need tickets! The wrist band was paid for, so he could keep going on the rides over and over again. He of course loved it. His favorite ride though kind of surprised me. It was the antique autos ride. Here is what the ride looks like:
The part Isaiah liked was the control. He got to steer the wheel and push down the gas peddle. It was like he was driving a car. Well, as you can see in the picture, there is some definite irony in this. He had some control, but only to a point. The car is restricted along the path because of the track in the middle. The car stays on the track, but it was enough that Isaiah felt he had control.
I look at our lives as being similar to this. We feel we have control of things. Our family, our job, our homework, our school, our relationships- we have control over these right?!? a point....but mostly no. We don't have control, it's simply an illusion.
The reality is that things happen. We get fired from a job, we get dumped, we turn in a homework assignment that we think is going to be an A and it comes back a D. We really aren't in control of everything, we just wished we were.
But here is where the good news comes in. Just like there is a track with the car that Isaiah was driving, we have a constant in our lives too. That person is God. Isaiah could swerve back and forth, floor it, or stop- the track is still there. The same is true in our lives with God. No matter where we are, or where we are going- God is there alongside of us.
A great Biblical reminder of this is Daniel in the Old Testament. Daniel was told that he couldn't pray to God. The country had made a decision that everyone should pray to the king and not the one true God. This was something out of Daniel's control. Daniel also couldn't control the consequences if he was caught praying to God. What did Daniel do? He still prayed. Not to the king, but to God. And you know what? Daniel got caught. He couldn't control who saw him. The punishment was being thrown into a den of hungry lions. Daniel certainly couldn't control what the lions would do. But you know what? God could. God could control them. Daniel didn't end up being a snack. God protected him.
And that's really the big thing in here to learn and remind us. We aren't in control, BUT we have a God who is. There was absolutely nothing Daniel could have done to protect himself from those lions. His only hope was God. But the great thing about Daniel? He had realized that already. He kept on praying to God even when it was illegal!
So how do we remind ourselves of this every day, that God is in control instead of us?
Well, please don't do the Carrie Underwood and have Jesus take the wheel while you are driving. That may be a recipe for disaster.
Instead, remind yourself right now, God is taking care of you. If God cares for birds and plants, God is going to care for you immensely more. (Us> Birds & Plants)
God is also present. Just like the track was there for Isaiah and his car, God is there for you. Unexplained things will still happen, but also remember that not all of them will be bad! Sometimes, great things happen that we have no idea would. Thank God for those. And when those bad unexplained things occur? Ask God to help get you through it.
We aren't in control. It's just an illusion. And you know what? That's ok! Think of yourself in your worst moment... Not a pretty picture is it? Probably a good thing you aren't in control all the time right? Let the God of the whole universe handle that instead!
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