Tuesday, September 5, 2017

SMILE it's your first day!

It's a NEW school year!!! Here is the required posting of my awesome kids on their first day of school:

Both of them were SO excited. New shoes, new classroom, and a new start. I remember growing up and all the anxiousness and excitement that came with beginning of a new school year. Who would be in my class? Who would I sit next to at lunch? How would my bus ride go? All those questions mixed together with new pencils, new shoes, and freshly cleaned squeaky floors provided quite the kaleidoscope for that first day.

The start of a new school year is unique, which is probably why as parents we want to CAPTURE the moment. I know, many kids roll their eyes as mom and dad make them pose in front of the house. But do you know what? Each year, us as parents realize that you are casting a little bit taller shadow over that door. You are also one step closer to posing for senior pictures and throwing your graduation cap. You aren't going to be little forever and starting a new school year reminds us of that!

My message for YOU as a student for today is EMBRACE it. Yeah, as parents, we can certainly be over the top. But you know why? It's because we love you. MORE than anything. Most of us spend the whole first morning of school thinking about you (and that's just the dads, the moms spend the WHOLE day). Then when we get home, all we want to do is find out about your day. SO help yourself out and remember AT LEAST 2-3 things that happened. It doesn't have to be the Pythagorean theory, just something that occurred from when the first bell rang until we get to see you again.

And for parents- my message is- enjoy every minute. I say this message only because I need to remind myself of this EVERY day. So many times as parents, we wait in anticipation for our kids to reach the next stage or next step. We can't wait until THEY: are out of diapers, they walk, they are going to school, they can drive themselves places. But let's do ourselves a favor and not rush them. Tonight, I'll do my best to enjoy my 3 year old spitting at dinner. I'll also be patient with my 6 year old who will be asking me to play football, NOW....now....and NOW! I'll do my best to enjoy it b/c I know someday they will have other people they would want to talk to more than me.

The start of school is a great time b/c it's an opportunity we take to pause. We take a picture, but it's more than that. It's a snapshot of our lives on THAT day. A day when we are trying to look our best and break in those new shoes.

So blessings and prayers to everyone on the start of a new school year. Whether you started two weeks ago, last week, or today- SMILE big for that picture and don't forget, your parents are only doing it because they love you SO much!

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