Tuesday, January 3, 2017

My resolution to remember I am a new creation

I've never been BIG on New Year's Resolutions! Sure there are always things I could change or make better about myself (ESPECIALLY after eating appetizers and cheese and crackers for a week over Christmas,I should probably work out), but I don't think just b/c it's a New YEAR I need to make any big sweeping changes. In fact, here is my only BIG resolution for 2017- 
Sorry, I couldn't resist. I will literally write 2016 until about March so I could definitely get better at making the transition to the new year.

The real reason I think that I am not a big New Year's resolution guy is that I feel that every day during the year we should be striving to be better people. That feeling should not just be limited to the calendar date of January 1st, but February 8th, March 25th, July 26th, and October 2nd as well along with all the other dates on the calendar.

AND everyday we should try and be a better version of ourselves because everyday can also serve as a reminder- WE ARE FORGIVEN. Martin Luther in talking about Baptism says "that a new man should daily emerge and raise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever." What this is saying is that everyday we are to celebrate the forgiveness from God that we receive. That isn't limited by a day or a month, or a year. That's EVERYDAY we are made new again by Jesus death and resurrection for us.

And this is the great proclamation that we see in 2 Corinthians 5:17- 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!

So here's the great thing. Everyday in our lives can be a new start in terms of sin. Nothing else is like that! If we have debt and we don't pay it, we still have debt. If we have an F in Science class and don't get better grades, we probably still have an F. But WITH God we are forgiven everyday. Everyday, every minute, every second is a NEW start. So if you did something bad yesterday? or this morning? or this minute? God forgives that- start over. The new is here!  

Don't let that sin or that guilt continue to fester and infect you. Live instead as a forgiven child of God. Maybe THAT should be all of our resolutions for the new year. Remembering everyday that God forgives us and loves us. 

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