Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hairnets are cool

Hairnets REALLY get a bad rap. It's probably because the first experience for most of us with hairnets is in the elementary school lunch line. Scoop of potatoes- PLOP! Baked beans- PLOP! Random mixture of fruit- PLOP (and why do the grapes always get put in those random fruit mixes? They always seem to taste weird and have a certain sogginess unique to them)!

Anyways- I'm here to say that hairnets CAN be cool. Why? Because if you serve at an awesome place LIKE Feed My Starving Children- you need to wear a hairnet. Yesterday, the 6th-7th grade confirmation kids got to all LOOK cool. Isaiah even got to go along- here's us looking good in our hairnets.
Hairnets are cool because in this case they were used to serve. The reality with most of us in America is we are richly blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. We have food in our cupboard, food at the store, food at restaurants, and leftover food in our garbage. Most of us eat three square meals a day and snack in between. The bigger challenge for most of us Americans is NOT eating. We eat TOO much!

That's why I'm happy there are organizations like Feed My Starving Children. Their goal is to serve those people all around the world who NEED food. Not like we need food if we are having a late lunch, but people who NEED food to just survive!

The challenge we have is to continually realize just how BIG this world is even though we only get to see small pieces of it. That's why going to places like Feed My Starving Children is so important. It opens our eyes to help us remember how BLESSED we are and how WE are called to help others. One of the most powerful Scripture verses relating to this is Matthew 25:40. Jesus is speaking and says, "40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

This Scripture is powerful because it says whatever we do for ANYONE on earth, we do for God. By serving others and helping others, we are serving God. That makes any small bit of help we give, A BIG DEAL. 

That means yesterday by just packing food for two hours (something even a 5 year old could help with), over 13,000 meals were prepared that would feed 38 kids for a whole year. Those are children of God being helped- that's God being helped! That's incredible! That's the type of simple service that we have the opportunity to be apart of.

So USE your hands, your feet, and your hairnets to serve God. Every little bit we do for other people is service to God.  (Take a minute when you CAN and listen to one of my favorite all-time songs!)

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