Thursday, January 26, 2017

Don't forget what you love

If you had to make a list of the five things you LOVE the most in life- what would they be? Now I don't mean people, although I'm sure they will be a part of the things you love. In giving this some thought, here is my top 5 in NO particular order- going to a new city or place; playing football with my boys; going on a date with my wife; hearing my favorite song on the radio; AND listening to kids sing/pray.
Who wouldn't want to play football with THIS kid?
Almost married 9 years, still LOVE date nights!
I'm sure I forgot SOMETHING, but these are the things I was thinking about this morning. So once you make YOUR list- I want you to ask yourself this question- when's the last time I did one of my favorite things?

In examining my list- the last thing I did WAS hear my boys pray last night and hear in a video my wife received two kids loudly singing VBS songs.

So THAT part is good, BUT if I look at my other favorite things- it's been awhile. My wife and I got a date in for her birthday and that was only two weeks ago, but for the rest of the things- I'm NOT doing so well! My boys and I haven't played football b/c the weather hasn't helped and we have been busy. I keep flipping on the radio, but I haven't heard any of the songs that are my current favorite in QUITE some time (although Call Me Maybe TOTALLY came on in the grocery store the other day and I embarrassingly struggled with NOT singing it), AND I haven't been on an adventure to a new city or place in a REALLY LONG TIME.

I bring this up today because everyday our lives are FILLED with choices. How often do you choose doing what you love? I would guess, like me, it's probably not quite often enough. Why? Because LIFE happens. It seems to get in the way sometimes of what we LOVE to do.

But you know what? By making this list, it makes me want to do EACH of these things soon. It helps me refocus on what's important.

This struggle to remember what's important isn't limited to us now. This happened A LOT in the Bible. People would lose focus on the things they loved or were the most important. One group that was guilty of this was the Pharisees. These were the religious leaders at the time of Jesus. Instead of focusing on spreading the Word of Christ, they became consumed with the RULES. They KNEW the scriptures, they knew the stories of God, but they lost sight of what they REALLY meant. Here's an example from Matthew 15- 15 Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.” He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? The Pharisees were worried about the disciples washing their hands before dinner. Jesus meanwhile wasn't worried about their hands- Jesus was concerned with their relationships!

This is the daily struggle for all of us: The things we love to do will always be challenged by the things we must do. Every once in awhile to make sure we are balanced- make a list! Make a list of what you love and who you love and ask yourself- have I been doing the things I love recently? Have I been spending time with the people I love? If you are answering too many NO's- get yourself refocused on what really matters. 

Today is always the perfect time refocus yourself. God has blessed you with things you LOVE and people you LOVE- don't miss out on the opportunity that today is!

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