Monday, November 21, 2016

Sometimes we just need to LAUGH!

MOUSE....NO it's a squirrel. "No, it's a MOUSE." This yelling and laughing match went back and forth for 5 minutes between Micah and I. Micah may only be 2 years old but he KNOWS how to be funny. We were reading an animal book and he KNEW all the animals. BUT, Micah think it's funny sometimes to intentionally call something the wrong animal. SO he starts calling a squirrel a mouse. And he won't stop! He giggles so hard his whole body moves. He can barely get out the word MOUSE before he breaks into a 30 second giggle.

Micah understands the need to laugh! As only a 2 year old he already gets the importance of a smile and laughter. WHAT A BLESSING THAT IS!

I best learned this lesson during one of my most embarrassing moments. I was in 8th grade (when pretty much everything ends up being embarrassing), and I was in the class play. The play was Beauty and the Beast. The part I was playing was a butler. Now we aren't talking about the candle stick, or the clock, OR any cool role. I was an extra part that was added because more kids wanted to be in the play than they had parts for. My part was completely insignificant. No one would remember my place in Beauty and the Beast history....well that is UNTIL I fell off the stage. That's right....first scene of the play....walking along the back of the stage- OFF I went. There one minute- GONE the next. I was kind of hoping no one would notice; well it turns out when a few hundred people are watching AND they are recording it...people DO see things.

The next day in language class we watched the video of the play. I watched myself fall off the stage in slow-motion about 5 times.

I didn't have an option...there was nothing else to do...nowhere to I had to laugh.

ALL of us need some laughter. I write this on a MONDAY morning...what a better time to laugh. And do you know that the Bible is funny too? I MEAN like REALLY funny. When you read it, there are so many funny things that happen. First of all, God creates the world....and God makes flamingos and giraffes and a duck-billed platypus- that's funny. Secondly, a crippled man is brought to Jesus. Now that part isn't funny. But, imagine this visual. Jesus is in a STANDING only room teaching people. All of a sudden a small hole starts to form in the roof above. Then it's a big hole in the roof. Then a crippled man is lowered down into this BUSY group of people so Jesus can heal him. Can you imagine what that looked like? (FULL STORY HERE) Jesus of course heals the man and appreciates the faith this man and his friends had.

But maybe my favorite funny story is Jesus first miracle. He's at a wedding, now weddings in this time period were week long celebrations. Weddings were an EVEN bigger deal than weddings are today. Well, a problem arises that they run out of wine. Jesus mother goes to Jesus to fix the problem. And THIS is Jesus first miracle. I read this as hilarious. Jesus mom is telling Him to do something, and Jesus is like, "REALLY mom? It's not even my time yet and you are asking my to perform this miracle."Jesus first miracle isn't healing someone, or casting out a demon, it's turning water into wine for a wedding. (Full Story HERE) 

I think it's SO important that we can laugh at stories in the Bible. These are real true stories with real people that happened. The Bible is a living and breathing book and it's important that we can read it that way!

So this week, make sure to find reasons to laugh. IF you are having trouble, just ask Micah what a squirrel REALLY is?!?

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