Friday, November 4, 2016

It just doesn't make sense

Why don't they make lucky charms with ONLY marshmallows? Why are regular oreo's made when they have Double Stuf oreos? Why does McDonald's make a small size fry.....I always want more fries! Why do the people at Olive Garden ask me if I want more bread sticks? OF COURSE I do, they are amazing!

Life is filled with things that JUST DON'T MAKE SENSE! Now obviously all mine seem to involve food and MAYBE I have an eating problem BUT that isn't the point of my blog today. Life is filled with many things that just don't make sense.

Many of the things that don't make sense to us are MUCH more serious than food related items. Like- why do some people get cancer while others don't? Why do some people always get injured while others are always healthy?  Why do some people NEVER get in a trouble while you get caught the first time you do something wrong?

Many times when things don't seem to add up, we want to find someone to blame. I think in these big serious moments, a lot of times we blame God. WHY is God having this happen? WHY did God not stop this? Where is GOD?

Here's the the beginning when God made this world it was PERFECT! Not just olive garden bread sticks perfect but ABSOLUTELY perfect. There was no death, no pain, and no suffering. God gave Adam and Eve a choice. When they took that choice, SIN came into the world. With it came cancer, sickness, death, and things that just don't make sense. (Consequences of Sin)

BUT here's the most important part. God then came to the world in Jesus. And what Jesus did, didn't make ANY kind of sense. Jesus died for people and for their sin when He had done nothing wrong. He loved people who spit in His face. That doesn't make any sense at all. Why would someone die for us when we are the ones who are guilty? Because God loves us THAT much.

In the days ahead- put your focus on the GOOD things that just don't make sense in your lives. Be thankful for the friends that are always there for you even when you aren't always there for them. Appreciate that it's 65 degrees in Minnesota in November. Enjoy a food that is just SO good you can't eat just one. And never forget you have a God who loves you, even if you don't always love God back! 

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