Thursday, November 10, 2016

Contacts and Guitar Hero....not so much!

I've worn glasses now for 12 years now. I JUST went in a few weeks ago for my latest check-up and was given new glasses again because one of my eyes was one step worse. I don't think they look TOO bad...

Anyways, I'm an adult, you would think MAYBE I would be a person who would try contacts right? I mean, I play sports; I have two boys who always want to play football or wrestle; so contacts would be natural fit. WELL, as a matter of fact, I did try contacts, just didn't turn out too well.

So about 10 years ago I was back in my hometown visiting my parents for Christmas break. I was FINALLY going to do the contacts thing. All I had to do was be able to take them in and out of my eyes. NO BIG DEAL RIGHT? Well....with the help of the eye doctor, I got them in for the first time. He made the comment, "Wow, you have really tight eye-lids- this might always be hard for you." I thought, TERRIFIC, if this is going to be hard ALL the time, how am I going to do it?

Well the next day it was time to head back to college. I HAD my contacts in, but decided I should take them out so I could just wear my glasses to drive. Well...I couldn't get the contacts out! I FREAKED out. I kept trying to look in the mirror and grab the contact but I kept closing me eyes before I could get them out. I decided to drive back to the eye doctor so they could just take them out. WELL, once we got there, the eye doctor was closed.... for lunch....for the next hour. What was I going to do?!? We had to get back to college and here I am in front of the eye doctor with a contact somewhere in my eye and I can't GET IT OUT! Becca was with me and was quite frustrated with how ridiculous I was being. She said, COME HERE- she held my eye open and pulled the contact out. AND my experiment with contacts was over....

Contacts aren't the ONLY thing I've failed at in life. For 6 months I tried to be a church worker who could play a guitar. Well, music was NEVER natural to me. I played trombone for 8 years and barely learned the notes. So after learning basically one song and my guitar collecting a lot of dust, I gave up.

Here's the deal- ALL of us have things we aren't good at it! That's just the way life is. We are all uniquely created by God. Psalm 139:13 says this: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful I know that full well.

Take a second to think of that image. God knitting us together, making us what we are. The careful time and thought and care that God takes in making us. WOW, I hope that makes you feel as special and unique as it makes me feel. And then there is VERSE and THIS VERSE

So I may never wear contacts or serenade Becca with a beautiful guitar solo. And that's OK! I can instead grill just about anything, I can remember obscure sports stats, and I can pretty much always make my family laugh. I'm going to choose to celebrate the random gifts God blessed me with instead of being disappointed that I'll view my life through glasses! 

I hope you can do the same AND realize that God has a plan for YOU also to use those unique gifts.  

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