Thursday, October 13, 2016

It's NOT Fair!

A BIG topic at my house these days is fairness. Having a 5 year old and a 2 year old is the reason this topic is talked about almost on a DAILY basis. "It's not fair that Micah doesn't have to eat all his meat." "It's not fair that I have to clean up the mess by myself, you ALWAYS help Micah." The life of a 5 year old can be tough. If you were curious what the "This ISN'T fair" facial expression yah go....
Unfortunately, as MANY of you know, life doesn't get anymore fair just because you are older. In middle high and high school, there are PLENTY of things that are unfair. "Why do they get to have a cell phone and I don't?' "Why do they NEVER have to study for tests and I do?" "Why do they get to stay out past 10:00pm when I have a curfew?" All the unfairness......BUT in the eloquent words of my father and lots of other dads out there- LIFE ISN'T fair!

Today however though, I want you to look at the idea of fairness in a different way. I have a story that contains the most unfair treatment of a person EVER. I mean EVER EVER EVER! Here's the deal. There was this guy who did NOTHING wrong, not even once. EVER. He spent his entire life healing, helping, and teaching people. But you know what? He was found guilty. Of what you ask? HE was found guilty of ALL the wrong things everyone else DID and is still doing. of them. Even though He hadn't committed one sin, He took on the sin of the whole world. Even though He lived a perfect life, He was beaten, crucified, and killed because of us. And after death....He spent some time in about unfair!!!!

Well you know of course I'm talking about Jesus. The Son of God, an innocent man, who loved us so much that He took on the greatest unfairness EVER.

But here is the best part- to God it was ALL worth it. We were worth it! And Christ death was just temporary, He defeated death AND the devil.

So while in life we might be treated unfairly sometimes in a negative way....don't forget- God treats us unfairly in a much bigger POSITIVE way. (One of my favorite verses)We receive His love and his forgiveness, even when we don't deserve it. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Enjoy that positive unfairness today!

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