Monday, October 17, 2016

Cruising Altitude

IF I had an unlimited amount of money, I would buy everyone a plane ticket so they could experience what it's like. I wouldn't do this so they could eat cheap pretzels, or breathe recycled air, or smell the unique "plane smell." The reason I would love giving everyone a plane ride would be for the view.

Every time I fly, I gain something. It's Perspective! Our perspective from the ground I feel too often becomes about us. It seems like the world revolves around everything we do. Our friends wait for us to text or snap them back. Our parents wait for us to walk in the door, our teachers wait on our papers to be turned in. Life seems like it's all about us. We are the most important thing going on ANYWHERE in the world!

WELL join me at a cruising altitude of 30,000 feet. Peering out the window you see small whispy clouds. You see the sun reflect off the wings of the plane. Looking downward you struggle to make out a river or is that a lake? Maybe those little brown and white things down there are a town. Everything is tiny. It's hard to distinguish what you are seeing. However, you know "down there" life is proceeding as usual. People are going to work and school. People are driving, walking, and running. But YOU are up here looking down on all of them.

Flying helps me remember that life is not about me. I'm just a small small small part of this world. I'm one person. I live in one house anong the billions of houses that exist in the world. And while I'm on this plane, my life completely depends on the person in the cockpit. 

The connection I want to make is this: to this world- we aren't all that important. We are just one person among billions. BUT to God, we are indeed the most important. See God doesn't pick favorites. God loves ALL of us. Each of us to God is his #1!

And here's a question- how often do WE treat God like the pilot on a plane? How often do we completely rely on God for something? How often do we make God the #1 in our lives? 

Probably no where near as often as we should. But again, here comes God- not scolding us, but FORGIVING us. One of my favorite stories about how important all of us are to God is one of the Jesus healed someone. There was a blind beggar on the road. (Full Story HERE)Someone that no one probably cared much about. However, the beggar heard Jesus was passing and called out to Him. The people in the crowd yelled at the beggar to shut up. Jesus however heard the man and stopped what He was doing. Jesus asks the beggar what He wants. The beggar asked for his sight. Jesus heals the man. 

Then one of the coolest parts is the beggar's response-  he recovered his sight and followed him, glorifying God. 

The blind beggar realized that life was not about him. It was about God and sharing God with others. I pray that you are able to see that perspective, even if it means not getting on an airplane (or if you sleep through your flight like Micah....hahaha). 


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