Monday, October 24, 2016

Awe-filled or Awful?

This past LONG weekend, my family and I took a trip down to Oklahoma. We spent our time visiting many of the great people who helped support us when we worked down there for almost 6 years. We hadn't visited in almost two years, and it's always CRAZY to see how things change. There is new buildings, new restaurants, and all the kids we knew were a foot taller. Things change! But one question that came up while talking with some of our close friends is what's different between Minnesota and Oklahoma.

I took a minute to think and there were a lot of "cultural" differences. People eat out more in Oklahoma, people in Minnesota don't put as much ice in their sodas and don't want to use Styrofoam, and ofcourse people speak differently. In Minnesota every OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stretches on forever, while in Oklahoma you NEVER say you all- you say yawl. And in Oklahoma you are fixin to get things done. (for my Minnesota friends- fixin means planning to or getting ready to- NOT like actually fixing something that's broken)

What this got me reflecting on is God's creation. I mean Oklahoma and Minnesota aren't THAT far apart, but God created diversity and differences and variety in people JUST like in the earth. Have you ever just stood in awe of what God made? In Oklahoma the dirt is red! Why wouldn't God just make all dirt the same color?
And what about the stars? Did God really need to put as many stars in the sky as God did? NO, But God did it anyways. And there are flowers and birds of just about EVERY color!

As our computer animation gets better in movies, I think it takes MORE and MORE to amaze us. We have already seen that type of explosion or that car chase. We can put special glasses on and watch in 3-D. We aren't easily amazed. We have trouble even knowing what AWE means! Dictionary definition of AWE is: a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.

But the amazing thing with God is this; God doesn't give up on trying to amaze us. We are given beautiful sunsets, pristine fall colors, people with that laugh that makes YOU laugh (like my son Micah), or a friend saying something at exactly the right time that you needed to hear it.

So this week, look for something that amazes you. Take a picture or leave a comment on the blog! Let's help each other find something amazing and and awe-filled this week. There is still plenty in God's creation that leave us in awe! And let this Scripture from Psalm 8 (In Awe of God) be our guide- When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,what is man that you are mindful of him,and the son of man that you care for him? 

And as you reflect and stand in awe of God this week, remember WE are God's greatest creation. Everything God made was described as good, but it wasn't until God made humans that creation was described as VERY good (People added the VERY)

Here's hoping your week is much more AWE-filled than awful!

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