Monday, April 24, 2017

They definitely weren't waving at me...

Have you ever excitedly saw someone waving at you and you wave back?

And then you look behind you and quickly realize they weren't actually waving at you???

Have you ever REALLY liked a that one song you just HAVE to sing anytime it comes on? And then you look up the lyrics later and realize you were singing the lyrics wrong EVERY TIME....

Getting new clothes is also an awesome thing! You go to the store, pick out a new shirt or new pants and you just can't wait to wear them that first time. So the next day you put on your new shirt and head out to take on the world. The first person who sees you does not notice your shirt, but instead the sticker that says LARGE on it.

Humbling moments for sure!

All of us have been there. Maybe it was a silly moment like this that you could laugh off or maybe there was a time where you were really embarrassed. It seems like these moments can hit us when we feel we are at the peak of our performance or our self-confidence is at an all-time high and then BOOM, we are sent crashing back to earth.

In all honesty, I feel these moments are important to all of us! Now, I don't rejoice in other people's embarrassments, but I certainly do the best to laugh at my own. We live in a world now that gets completely tailored to us! If you have done any online shopping lately, you know what I am talking about. If you go shopping for a new baseball hat, all of a sudden the ads on the side of different websites you visit all include baseball hats. It's a little creepy, but it's definitely personally tailored to you.

Being such a target to these companies is the opposite of humbling. It makes us feel important even though they REALLY aren't after us, they are after the money that is in our pockets.

If you don't believe this rationale, go into a restaurant and just sit down. Don't order anything. Just say you want to rest for a little bit. I would guess, unfortunately, MOST places wouldn't enjoy your company. If you aren't going to buy anything- why are you there? They may even throw out the term- LOITERING! OH NO!

It's NOT about really isn't, and being humbled and being embarrassed is always going to be a part of our lives. The reality is IT'S OK TO FALL sometimes! It's ok to sing the wrong lyrics or wave to the wrong person, it's ok to keep the tags on.


Because all of us are flawed just like the person next to us is. We aren't perfect, and sometimes we get TOO caught up in ourselves and forget WE make mistakes. And we have a God who forgives our imperfections and it's OK when we get humbled from time to time. In first Peter 5:6 it says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." Sometimes when we fall, God will help us up. Sometimes when we put OTHERS first, God will move us forward in the line.

So this week don't forget every once in awhile you need to laugh at yourself. Take your humble pie from time to time and remember that it's just a small part of life. We have a God that's bigger than any embarrassment or wrong song lyric. And least you were nice enough to wave to someone in the first place right?!?

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