Thursday, April 20, 2017


Have you ever heard of the word compacity? If you have been around me enough, you probably have. But you know what? Compacity...ISN'T a word! I try using this word when I think I'm saying the word capacity. You know the word that means FILLED to the brim or the amount something can hold? That's the word I'm trying to say. I even had a mini-message at church that focused on the word- capacity. Did I say the word correctly? NOPE! I kept using the wrong word....over....and over....and OVER again.

Compacity isn't a WORD!!!!

As much as I try to make the change, I keep saying it wrong. What's the deal? Do I want to add the word compassion to the word capacity, or do I need to go back to middle school English class?

All of us have mistakes we make-not once, not twice, but OVER and OVER and OVER again. That's life. I pride myself on word usage, and I write my own blog, but I say the word capacity wrong every time I use it.

So what's your repeatable mistake? What thing do you keep doing even though you know it's wrong? Maybe it's something you are aware of when you are doing it OR maybe it's just something that comes so natural to you now that you don't even notice it.

My message for today is this- don't get discouraged- you CAN change! You can fix the wrong and replace it with right. You have the capacity in you to change. (see what I did there?..haha).

A great Biblical example of this was the woman at the well. (Full Story from John 4- HERE) This was a Samaritan woman. She had made may mistakes in her life. She had 5 husbands and was already on to the next. She was SO embarrassed to what she had become she would go to the well to get water in the middle of the day. Why is this a big deal? Well, she lived in a desert where it's REALLY hot, and she would only go when no one else was around. On one particular day though, her life changed. She ran into this guy named Jesus at the well. Jesus knew the woman's history- He even mentioned it to her!  The woman though MADE the change in her life with the help of God. She went and told other people about Jesus! About her Savior. Look at this Scripture from John 4:39- 39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.”

Even though this woman had been through so much in her past and had made mistakes, she didn't miss her opportunity to make a change. 

And we can do it to! That mistake you keep making...make the next time you do it THE LAST. 

Sure there will always be mistakes in the future, that's the reality of a sinful world. But don't forget Jesus words from John 16:33-  33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We have it in us to change because we have God in each one of us. And the word capacity doesn't really exist to God because God is without limits....there is nothing TOO big for God. Maybe that's what compacity really should mean....


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