Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How do you do it? Fingerprints

Many times life is described as a rollercoaster. It has ups and downs- steep climbs and sudden drops. I can say without a doubt, I believe this analogy to be true.

In the past few weeks, I've experienced hearing the first cry of my newborn daughter, the weeping cry at the loss of my father, and the jubilant cry of a basketball team going to play in the state championship game. And during all this, I have probably shed every kind of tear I can imagine having.

And one question I've heard from people is- HOW? How are you doing it? How are you handling all of this?'s ALL about God.

Throughout the whole process of my dad's terminal cancer, I've seen God. Like the WORST criminal ever, God has made his presence known by leaving His fingerprints all over everything.

My dad was told on December 23rd that had 2 weeks to a month or two months to live. My dad lived  8 weeks. My dad got to meet his granddaughter. My dad felt GOOD enough for 7 weeks to go out for dinner every Friday night.

 God was there.

I made 5 trips to Eagle River to spend time with my parents and family. These trips were made in January and February in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The weather? It cooperated! We had record heat, we had dry roads.

God was there.

My wife gave birth to a healthy and happy baby girl. EVERY time we have a child, I stand in awe of God. So many things can go wrong during pregnancy, during delivery, during surgery- but here is this beautiful, tiny, precious, baby staring back at me.

God was there.

I had the opportunity to coach an amazing group of kids on a basketball team. They reached the state tournament BUT my dad's funeral was the weekend of the tournament. I wasn't going to be able to coach them. What did the team do? Reel off back to back nail biting wins. Then when I GOT back, they won again. A team that placed 5th in their preseason conference tournament was now playing in the state title game.
God was there.

What I'm getting at is this: as traumatic and crazy and sad and exciting as the past 8 weeks have been, I have seen God's fingerprints all over everything in each step of life.

There are SO many things about these last 8 weeks that could have been SO different. But they weren't. They went just as God had planned.

God was there.

And that is the reason life will continue to move forward for me. My dad may no longer be here on earth and I may now have to say "kids" instead of just "boys", but I know that whatever happens, God is with me. And I'm going to need to continue to rely on God moving ahead.

That's something I wish everyone could feel. So many times in this world we feel alone and not supported BUT we have a God who is with EACH one of us ALL the time. We are never truly alone. Let that thought wash over you. Even in your deepest, darkest, saddest moment- God is there. The same words Moses spoke to the Israelite's are true for us: Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) And we are reminded of this again later in the Bible in Hebrews 13:5-
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. 

Now, just because God has been THERE, it hasn't made these last 8 weeks easy. But, it's served as a strong reminder to me, I'm never alone. 

My prayer is that you always remember- Nothing can separate us from the love that God has for us. 

God was there and God will CONTINUE to be everywhere. Just keep looking for those fingerprints as evidence!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written Josh, you have been truly blessed to know and feel God's loving arms around you. Through our sorrow, joy and triumphs we can see him, oh so more clearly. May he continue to watch over you and your family.
