Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What did you miss today?



The first number is the number of screws in 8 of my deck boards and the steps..

83 is the number of screws in the castle my kids play in...

One random day Isaiah noticed all these screws and decided to count them. He had been on the deck hundreds of times playing, but for some reason on that day he noticed the screws that had been there all along.

I found it especially ironic that ISAIAH was the one who noticed all the screws. Isaiah is a very active kid to say the least. He usually just pauses for a quick drink of water between one activity and the next. He very rarely EVER stops moving.

But on this particular day he "stopped to count the screws."

Life is filled with activity. Most of us are constantly busy and running from one place to the next. The question this raises with me is this:

Do we sometimes miss what God is doing in our lives because we aren't spending enough time looking FOR what God is doing? 

Come with me back to the my deck...yah know the one with 280 screws in 8 boards and the steps? What is the job that the screws have? What is their role? They hold everything together. The screws anchor the boards down. While the boards are important, if the boards aren't secured, the deck doesn't work.

Now what does God do in our lives? I would say God holds everything together. God provides security and salvation for us. AND a lot of the times, we probably don't notice the work God is doing JUST like we don't notice the screws holding the deck together.

So how do we make ourselves more aware of how God is working through our lives?

FIRST, we start asking the question- Where did I see God working in my life today? Stop thinking about things as  random or karma or a coincidence- but instead as an opportunity God is giving us. 

Second, we can look into Scripture for help. Philippians 2:13 says it well- 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

God is working through each one of us AND the people around us. So the work is happening, we just need to open our eyes sometimes to notice. 

Finally, the last thing we can do is continue to pray and talk to God. It's amazing when you are in a conversation with God how much more often you notice God's work. I wrote in an earlier blog that God would make a HORRIBLE criminal because God leaves fingerprints everywhere. I feel that this is SOOO true. Evidence of God's work is all around us. 

So as you go throughout your day today, I challenge you- count the screws. Notice God working in your life. Slow down and see the opportunities God is presenting right in front of you to show care and compassion for others. 

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