Friday, December 16, 2016

You can't control the weather BUT a lot of time goes into PREDICTING it!

Weather......we do our best to predict it BUT in the end, we never truly know what's going to happen! Today in Minnesota we are under a Winter Storm Warning. This means our phones will flash red, the weather watcher is angry on WCCO, and our TVs will be filled with scrolling messages of cancellations and road conditions. We also get images like THIS of poor weather people being sent outside to SHOW us how bad it is and why we shouldn't go outside ourselves.

But in the end, no one has any idea of exactly how much snow we will get, when it will start, or when it will end. Then after the snow is done, the meteorologists will make their best guesses on the temperature. With all the high-tech, million dollar technology we have- we are still playing catch up with trying to figure out what's going to happen with weather.

Is that as amazing to YOU as it is me? I mean we live in an age of google. We can find out just about anything by searching for it on the internet. We can finds answers to questions we haven't even asked yet. But yet, there is still something that keeps ALL of us guessing....the weather.

I love that the only person who truly ever controlled the weather was Jesus. When Jesus was here on this earth, He was God, and every once in awhile used that power that He had. The best example was when the disciples were in a boat and trapped in a horrible storm. They couldn't get to shore, they couldn't save themselves. They woke Jesus up (he was napping), and Jesus instantly calmed the storm.(Full Story Here)

Just imaging that visual always gets me. To think of a raging storm, lightning, rain, thunder, winds...and to be on the water with waves crashing over the all of sudden seeing sunny skies and calm water.

That is the power God has.

In this world, we want to think we have control. We want to be able to accurately predict things like the weather so we can plan accordingly. OOO it's for SURE going to rain today? Ok, I'll pack my umbrella and cancel my plans at the park. But instead, it turns out to be a beautiful sunny day. We JUST lost our control over that day because of the weather.

But here's the awesome deal. Us NOT having control is a good thing! Here's the reason why- our perspective on life is sooooo limited. We can only see life through our own eyes. We only know the things we have experienced.

On the other hand, we have a God who knows everyone's perspective. God also knows our past, our present, and our future. God knows the path we have been on and the road we will soon take.

The point I am trying to make is just how much control should WE have anyways? Shouldn't we do our best daily to make sure God is the one in control of our lives?

So just like we don't have control over the weather, let's do our best this week to give up some of the control WE have over our decisions. Debating something important? Pray to God about it for an answer or for guidance. Struggling to give up a bad habit? Leave that habit at the foot of God- take it to Him in prayer and LEAVE it there. 

Here is some great Scripture verses to send you out into the blizzards of weather and life today:
Joshua 1:9- Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Isaiah 45:6-7-  so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me I am the Lord, and there is no other.I form the light and create darkness I bring prosperity and create disaster, I, the Lord, do all these things.

Isaiah 41:10-  10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

When weather or life get out of control...that's ok....we have a God who can control the weather and help us!

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