Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What type of waiter are you? (and I'm not asking if you work at a restaurant!)

A number of times in the last week, I have found myself WAITING. First, it was in a restaurant for dinner. We were in a hurry, trying to get somewhere. The waitress was very nice, brought us drinks, brought back crayons for the boys, but hadn't taken our order yet. We were out of time. We had to get up and leave. We just couldn't wait any longer. A few days later, I was in the doctor's office with Brianna for her regular check up. We waited....and waited....and waited. We waited for over an hour before we saw the doctor. I was obviously frustrated b/c my happy barely EVER cranky daughter, was now cranky. And then she had to get shots. Which we also waited 15 minutes for.....

Look at all those nice germ ridden chairs.....
While I sat in the doctor's office, I kept thinking of how we set different values to what we are waiting for. At a doctor, it's pretty much assumed you are going to wait. However, we don't stop going to the doctor b/c we are going to wait. The wait is generally worth it, b/c we see someone who can help us feel better when we are sick. But what happens when we are at a fast food restaurant drive thru and we are waiting? Well, if you are like me, you probably don't have as much patience for that. I mean it is called FAST FOOD right?!? Why should I need to wait for 5 minutes for my 2 kid's meals, 2 value meals, and ice cream.

This brings me to my big question for my blog today. If you prayed for something and are waiting on it, how long are you willing to wait? Are you a fast food drive thru waiting type of person, or are you waiting like you are waiting in a doctor's office? Think about that deeper for a minute. In a doctor's office, the big area is called a waiting room. The next place you go when the nurse walks you in...I ALSO call that the SMALLER waiting room. Waiting is part of the expectation, it's RIGHT there in the title. But the doctor IS still coming to see you. Just like in prayer, we MAY be waiting, but that doesn't mean that God isn't going to answer. God is STILL coming with an answer.

Here's the truth I see in this. If God has us waiting on something, it is probably going to be worth the wait. Everything great seems to be something we need to wait for. Psalm 27 says it much better than I can. Psalm 27:13-14- I remain confident of this I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.14 Wait for the Lord;be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. I love that this Scripture says- WAIT for the Lord, be strong, take heart, and WAIT for the Lord. Even in this tiny piece of Scripture, waiting is mentioned twice. Why? Because, I'm guessing more of us fall into the fast food drive thru camp than the doctor's office waiting room. 

So what do we do while we wait? We try doing what Psalm 27 puts out there for us. We remain confident that we will see good through God. We stay strong, and we keep a soft heart. God has heard our prayer, God has heard our cry for help. The answer is coming. We just need to wait for it.