Wednesday, July 12, 2017

If life were a little more like Vacation Bible School

A few weeks ago I wrapped up another week of Vacation Bible school. Between my years as a youth helping and now as a leader, I've probably taken part in nearly 20 VBS's. I've seen churches and gyms turned into mountains, jungles, farms, and castles. I've witnessed my share of water fights, extra loud singing, and uncontrolled laughter. Every year when the week is over my main emotion is one of immense appreciation and joy. 

Today what I would like to do is have MORE fun...b/c that's also what VBS is all about. Having FUN all the while getting to share the love God has for us.

SO if somehow all our lives could morph into a never-ending VBS...I think this is what THAT might look like:
  1. You get to request that your best friends get to be in your group or work at the same place you do. 
  2. Every 20 minutes you get to do something different. Bored in your current meeting? Well the bell just rang, it's time to go to the next station- MEETING OVER! 
  3. Mondays wouldn't be SO bad if it was "dress like a farmer day" or "crazy hair day".
  4. Your favorite songs may be great, but what if there were actions that went with those songs? Yep, that just went to the next level. 
  5. Everyone gets a new t-shirt, and YES it's a crazy color! 
  6. If you aren't listening, the next thing you'll hear is a loud cowbell trying to get your attention.
  8. Each afternoon includes a necessary nap to recharge!
    This summer was the first year I needed TWO naps during the VBS week instead of ONE!
  9. No more awkward conversations where you can't remember a person's name b/c EVERYONE has name tags
  10. You will never wonder, what am I going to cook for breakfast because some sweet ladies have already made it for you! 
  11. AND finally...the #1 thing that would change if our lives could be MORE like Vacation Bible School- we would ALL get to hear how much Jesus loves us ALL day long! 
A big thank you to all the amazing people who have helped me with Vacation Bible School over the years. It's one of the biggest joys I have every year in ministry, and here's hoping we could at least PLAN a themed dress up day at church sometime soon!!!