Today what I would like to do is have MORE fun...b/c that's also what VBS is all about. Having FUN all the while getting to share the love God has for us.
SO if somehow all our lives could morph into a never-ending VBS...I think this is what THAT might look like:
- You get to request that your best friends get to be in your group or work at the same place you do.
- Every 20 minutes you get to do something different. Bored in your current meeting? Well the bell just rang, it's time to go to the next station- MEETING OVER!
- Mondays wouldn't be SO bad if it was "dress like a farmer day" or "crazy hair day".
- Your favorite songs may be great, but what if there were actions that went with those songs? Yep, that just went to the next level.
- Everyone gets a new t-shirt, and YES it's a crazy color!
- If you aren't listening, the next thing you'll hear is a loud cowbell trying to get your attention.
- Each afternoon includes a necessary nap to recharge!
This summer was the first year I needed TWO naps during the VBS week instead of ONE! - No more awkward conversations where you can't remember a person's name b/c EVERYONE has name tags
- You will never wonder, what am I going to cook for breakfast because some sweet ladies have already made it for you!
- AND finally...the #1 thing that would change if our lives could be MORE like Vacation Bible School- we would ALL get to hear how much Jesus loves us ALL day long!